Nina, Sekopiye

Affiliates & Links

These affiliates and links have been comprised to reflect the most direct impact I have accessible to supporting the indigenous persons of the Amazon to their culture, heritage and lands. Post Colonialism in its multiplicity has all but severed the ancestral knowledge and heritage of its people.

Contemporary life bears active disassociation from their medicines of the Amazon. Fears of witchcraft embedded as strategies to disconnect and disempower continue to impact the people from sustainable values; to their lands and way of life. Current issues of deforestation for cattle grazing, mining and palm oil impact micro and macro ecosystems.

Shaman Portal.

Intenational Association of Shamanism.


The Warrior Sanctuary.
Mindoo Valley, Ecuador

Collective Custodians of the Medicines of the Earth, Water, Wind, Fire & Wisdom Keepers of Amazonian Spirit.

(646) 481-6671

Susanna Tappia-Leon

Medicine Woman, Midwife, Womb & Maternal Guide.

Host, Tumbaco, Ecuador


Sekopai Tribe.
Amazonia, Ecuador

Direct link to indigenous knowledges and practices.

Artisanal wares, contact with the last of the Yaje Elders & emergent 3rd Generation,

Contact: Josep
WhatsApp +593 98 849 8261

Napo, Ecuador

YAKUM works to protects indigenous forest and build cultural, medicinal and food sovereignty, through reforestation with carefully selected native tree species and territory mapping.


Shipibo Tribe.
Iquitos, Amazonia, Peru

Plant Dieta Medicines, accommodation & Shamanic Healings with the Madre, Maestre Mathilde & her practising family.

Dawid β€œRa”
WhatsApp +51 916 320 756